Media contact and inquiry

So that we can answer your question, we kindly ask you to, in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and our Privacy Policy, give your consent to the company CETIS FLEX, Flexible Packaging and Labels, Ltd, Čopova ulica 24, 3000 Celje, Slovenia to collect and process your personal data for the following purpose:

You can request at any time that CETIS FLEX, Flexible Packaging and Labels, Ltd, permanently or temporarily stop using your personal data for the aforementioned purposes and for us to inform you about this in writing. You can send your request in writing at any time to the company CETIS FLEX, Flexible Packaging and Labels, Ltd, by mail, to the address CETIS FLEX, Flexible Packaging and Labels, Ltd, Čopova 24, 3000 Celje, Slovenia or by e-mail to the address FUS217mfg@tvkzj.jz.

Head of marketing and PR:

Saša Košec Jazbinšek, MSc
T: +386 (0)3 4278 537
E: FUS216iqiq.aeius@sujyi.iy